We service and repair all makes and models. We believe in getting the best price for the best value. You will never deal with a salesman, so we never try to sell you something that you don’t need.

AC Repair/Maintenance

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A/C Installation

Rossi’s in Port Orange, FL is number one in A/C installation and replacement. Our experienced and knowledgeable technicians will make sure your unit is installed properly.


If your heating equipment isn’t providing the comfort you expect, count on the professionals from Rossi’s Heating & Air Conditioning to diagnose and resolve problems with any make or model.

Helpful Information

Before you call and pay anyone, please check your thermostat batteries, your filters, and all of your circuit breakers. If after checking you require assistant from a professional, give us a call. We service and repair, all makes and model.

Free Quote

At Rossi’s Heating and Air Conditioning, we will offer a free estimate for system replacement only. We service East Volusia and Flagler County Florida.

Furnace Installation

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